my dream job


Well, well, well, thinking about my dream job is a little difficult, since my dream would be to be maintained and travel a lot around the world haha, but well, not everything is dreaming.

Since I was very little I dreamed of being a doctor and studying medicine, my first choice was always medicine at the University of Chile, but unfortunately that was not what I got. But well now I will be a future dental doctor and I love it.

So now I changed my idea and I would say that my ideal job is to be a dentist and help people have a beautiful smile so they can be happy and have self-esteem that they always wanted, because that is what I like about dentistry, you have to be very supportive and empathetic with patients and know how to understand them and I really like that.

Eliminating other jobs that I would never choose, it would be a job where I would have to be locked up in an office and without contact with people, since I am a very sociable person who loves to talk for hours and hours, so a job without contact with people It would be very boring for me.

So in summary I could tell you that my ideal job would be to be a future dentist with a specialty in maxillofacial and pathology, since I love everything that has to do with surgery and also with pathological diseases.


  1. Hi Anastasia, my first choice was also medicine, but dentistry is a beautiful career.


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